Under $500
Showing all 30 results
Buffalo Art Crafts Shop/ Heintz Art Metal Inkwell
$125.00 -
Marblehead Pottery Small Jardiniere
$495.00 -
Moorcroft Vase, 4 3/4” 1947-1953 Pomegranate
$400.00 -
Moorcroft Vase, 5 1/8” 1953-1978 Pomegranate
$425.00 -
Stickley Brothers tall back chair SOLD
“Top-O-Stove” Potato Baker
$450.00 -
Arts and Crafts Bar Pin
$125.00 -
Arts and Crafts Linen Bag
$275.00 -
Bat Wing Frame, c.1910 HOLD
$450.00 -
Benedict Chamber Stick
$235.00 -
Edward Curtis Photogravures (2)
$345.00 -
Fulper Pottery Bowl & Flower Frog
$155.00 -
Fulper Pottery, Prang
$275.00 -
Gustav Stickley Inkwell
Hawley B. Nell, Oil on Board
Mexican Sterling Silver & Malachite Pendant
$175.00 -
Moses O. Fowowe
$250.00 -
N. Glidden Cabinet Vase
$155.00 -
Rookwood Production, 1915
$290.00 -
Saturday Evening Girls Small Jardinière
$395.00 -
Seneca Ray Stoddard Photograph, 1889
$275.00 -
Table Runner, 55″ Long
$250.00 -
Three Kodak Cameras