It’s April 28, 2020. Each morning before I head to shop I watch the news and hear about how many more people are sick, or have died in our county. We have been lucky because 250 miles southeast of us in NYC the numbers are wildly different. On April 23, state officials said that based on preliminary antibody testing results they estimated more than 20% of city residents had contracted COVID-19.

Georgia governor planed to open up the state last weekend to tattoo parlors, bowling alleys and hair salons. Big mistake. Most of the rest of the country is still in isolation. We are asked not to go out without a mask on, it’s mandatory if we go shopping.

It’s April 28th and we have been closed now for nearly 6 weeks. Nobody has been in or out of the shop except me and my wife, partner and best friend Debbie. I have been coming in the shop in the mornings, around 9:30 or so to answer emails, make phone calls and collect the mail off our front steps. It is quiet in here. Deb comes in around 12:30 or so. We talk a bit discussing the day, business and what else is on our minds. The discussion usually moves to when are we going to Facetime with our daughter Kylee and grandchildren Sadie and Chase. Our son-in-law is working from home so we see or talk with him on the weekends and an occasional weekday evening.

We do get the occasional car that drives by on James Street but the traffic has been light. I can’t remember when I heard the last police car of firetruck speed by. I assume when you are confined under a lockdown proclamation by the city, county and state, less happens.

Every day seems to go by slowly and on occasion it’s difficult to remember what the date or days is. If you are familiar with upstate New York weather you know how rainy the spring can be. Sunny days make things a bit more normal. Yard and gardens help get the situation off your mind, or at least off mine.

Anyway, I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. Hope to see you soon on the other side.
