Decorative Arts & Furniture Buying
What We Buy
Dalton’s is always interested in purchasing a single item or an entire collection. We are looking for items of quality produced during the 20th century. Our concentration is on the American Arts & Crafts Movement that ran from the 1890’s to approximately 1920. We are also interested in items produced later in the 20th century as well. Below is a partial list of some of the types of things we are looking for.
- Furniture by Gustav Stickley, L&JG Stickley, Roycroft, Limbert, Charles Rohlfs and others.
- Metalwork by Roycroft, Gustav Stickley, Benedict, Onondaga Metal Shops, Dirk Van Erp and others.
- Pottery by Grueby, Newcomb College, Van Briggle, Walrath, Marblehead, Rookwood and others.
- Artwork, Paintings, Photography and Woodblocks from the 20th century.
- Lighting by Stickley, Roycroft, Tiffany, Dirk Van Erp and others.
- Modern Furniture by Herman Miller, Knoll, Nakashima, and others.
- We also buy Navajo Rugs and blankets as well as other American Indian items such as textiles, baskets, pottery.
We always use discretion in our business dealings. We welcome your call and look forward to doing business.
What’s Your Item Worth?
Curious to know what your item or items are worth? Dalton’s is an American Decorative Arts and Antiques dealer with over 40 years experience, and is a trusted buyer and seller. With expertise on the Arts & Crafts Movement, as well as items produced further into the 20th century, you will receive a fair and accurate assessment on antique furniture prices, as well as the value of metalwork, pottery, artwork, & American Indian items.