Almost spring in Upstate New York!
We are right around the corner from nice spring weather! It's time to get out and work the gardens. Have you ever looked through Gustav Stickley's The Craftsman for ideas on what to plant? There are many articles on gardening. Cut and paste the link below in your...
Art for the People: Decorated Stoneware from the Weitsman Collection
BOOK SIGNING DECEMBER 5, 2015 Noon to 3 p.m. New book features one of the best collections of American decorated stoneware. Stop by and meet the author and collector.
We have been diligently working on updating our new web site. It may be a bit confusing while I continue to learn about this new format. Some listings bury themselves in the categories while others fine there way front and center. I will figure this out! As I learn I...
I think I got it!
Our new site has been up for a little over a month and I am getting better at using and updating it. Since our launch on July 10th there has been nearly 50 new items listed. Many of these in the lower price range. I am experimenting with the photos I take and trying...
New Web Site Launched
If you are reading this there is a good chance you are experiencing our new web site for the first time. While I would like to say it is exactly what I want you to see we are still working the bugs out from our transition from our old site. Of course I will need...